Entry #6: Cooler than the Rest
Fun fact that you may not have known about me, but I collect Dragon Ball figures. Why you may ask? It's more so a hobby to me; a very expensive hobby. I chose Dragon Ball figures because their line, specifically the S.H. Figuarts line, is really nice looking with great articulation and accessories. Even though I love Star Wars, their high end figures just feel the same as a toy that I could find at target. These Dragon Ball ones though are beyond that. They feel like statues that you can pose with how good they look, and I really do cherish each and every one of them. Though one stands above all the rest: Cooler. Picture of S.H. Figuarts Cooler ( https://www.toyark.com/2021/03/03/s-h-figuarts-dbz-cooler-final-form-revealed-419528 ) For those who don't know, this is Cooler, Frieza's brother from one of the Dragon Ball Z movies. Funnily enough, he's not even my favorite character, nor my favorite villain for that matter....