Entry #5: Higher Education, Higher Expectation, Higher Interest


    It really should come as no surprise that many students after high school tend to lean more towards higher education. Many jobs today require a degree in higher education, especially one that are able to pay for a fulfilling and stable life. College can do so much for a person. You get the chance to make new friend, have new experiences, to really learn what it means to be an adult. Though if I am being honest, it is not pretty. Granted, this is only my first year of college, but I feel like things are just really rough for the average college student.

    To start things off lightly, it feels inconvenient and annoying to have to dodge the people who want you to sign something (Aka Clipboard guys). Like I just want to get to class, I would rather not sell my soul to something I do not really care about just to appease these people. Granted, that is a very dramatic way of saying I do not want to sign something, but somedays that is just how it feels. Then there is all the added work and expectation that were not in high school. College really does rely on technology more than high school, and it shows. In high school, most of the things that people turn in are on paper, with most of it being work you can do and even finish in class. Here though, people have absolutely no time to do the work in class and most of it is online which makes it feel very disconnected from actual school and deteriorates personal motivation. Speaking of High School transitions and personal motivation, finances are awful, and they especially are not an easy adjustment to high school students. Students get thrown into it with no practice, no tips, nothing. The finances are also just annoying. Having to overpay for things, struggling with people who are incompetent all so they can cheat people out of their money, and especially loans. In fact, student loans nowadays average out to be around $38, 290 according to CNN. Beyond all of this though, the worst part of it all is knowing that I mostly do not have any choice in the matter. The kind of job I wish I could have, or even just any other job that would not force me into going back into school, makes minimal amounts of money. If I do not make good money, then I cannot really say that I would be living. Though I feel like calling a depressing office job a life is a bit of a stretch. The only difference is that one pays the bills.

    Overall, I do like some aspects of college such as being social with friends and staff, but I cannot help but feel like it feels kind of hopeless in a way. I have no choice other than my classes. Does that sound depressing? Definitely. Is it how life works though? Absolutely. Maybe it might be a simple skill issue on my part, but this is just how I feel about the whole thing. It seems like my family members who went to college did not suffer as much, or at least they did in different ways, so I find it very odd, but I understand that people have their own experiences. In the end though, I may not be a fish, but I am bound by a school.


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