Usually, when it comes to memes, whenever they're brought into other forms of media like video games and movies, they tend to fail. Things like Ultra Instinct Shaggy couldn't save Multiverses from irrelevancy, and bringing Morbius back in theaters only cost Sony lots of money with no returns. However, Dragon Ball Legends, a very popular Dragon Ball mobile game has made a meme into a huge success and a character to be feared. The line, "Nobody can beat me when I'm Super 17," became an iconic line with how goofily the American voice actor delivered it. Prior to the LF Super 17 unit, every other Super 17 unit was pretty bad, having nothing that was actually threatening and generally just having many better alternatives. The only reason he was so popular was because of the meme. On the 31'st of January though, everything changed. Legends finally made a Super 17 unit that was practically unbeatable, just like the meme quote said. So what makes LF Super 17 so broken? Well, let's dive on in and find out.

This unit has pretty much everything that a good unit could ask for and more. His green card allows him to restore ki, restore vanish, remove opponent's vanish, remove opponent's ki, increases the gain on his unique gauge, nullifies color disadvantage, and locks the opponent in for 3 timer counts whenever he counters a blast attack. This includes ki blast taps, blast cards, blast based blue cards, and even blast based ultimate cards, meaning if the opponent gets countered once, they pretty much lose a character. Even if he doesn't actually land the counter, he still gets color nullification, so any blue unit that goes to punish him won't be doing much damage. This is made worse by the fact that Super 17 draws a green card only once when he uses his blue card, and only once when he uses his ultimate. He basically prints green cards the entire match. Speaking of printing cards, whenever he fills up his unique gauge, he draws another blast card, increases damage, and gains special cover nullification. On top of this, he draws another blast card when the opponent switches, so his combos last forever and the opponent can't even stop his combo because he nullifies special cover change. Speaking of special cover change, he also has a special cover change for strike cards. When he does this, he draws an ultimate card! He is the only unit who can do this, and it combos as well. His ultimate? You guessed it's also broken since it damages all of the opponent's characters. The ultimate also does extra damage when used against a yellow unit, and that damage stacks to the opponent's benched units, even when they have a color advantage. To make matters worse, he gets another one from his main ability, a main ability that also slightly heals him. Theoretically, anyone playing Super 17 can lock in an opponent with his green card counter, then unleash his ultimate, which would pretty much defeat the opponent's unit instantly whilst damaging benched units, only to repeat the cycle because he draws another green card. You may be wondering, "Well, isn't there a counter to Super 17?" Nope! He does so much damage that even blue units, who have an advantage against red units like him, mind you, still can't do anything. For example,
this video shows how much damage Super 17 does at the minimum 3 stars. Even if he is getting boosted by other units, a 3 star unit doing this amount of damage is unheard of for this game. With his tags of Powerful Opponent, GT, Fusion Warrior, and Android all being very good tags too, he also can be used on a variety of teams. His best team at this moment being Powerful Opponent with Ultra Gohan on leader slot. Someone could pair him up with Ultra Golden Frieza and Ultra Gohan with Powerful Opponent Zenkai's on bench boosting both Frieza and Super 17 for a practically unstoppable team. Blue units are completely obsolete by Gohan, and yellow units are now useless due to Super 17. With so many counters, green cards, 3 AOE (Area of Effect) Ultimate attacks and even a revival unit, Super 17 on that team becomes completely unstoppable. To top it all off, he even gives paralysis blast cards, which have a high chance to paralyze the opponent when the attack successfully lands.
As someone who has luckily pulled Super 17, I usually never lose with this character, since he just does everything that a good unit can do and more. Furthermore, it really is hard to be mad at such a broken unit since the memes based off of him from the fans basically created him. In a way, it really is hilarious that the meme became true, because nobody can beat him when he's Super 17.
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