Entry #7: #Outdated..?


    Are hashtags outdated? A question that I do not see many people asking, but one that is definitely worth asking. Regardless of the generation that the person may have come from, the hashtag will always have some kind of importance, despite the varying degrees of cultural impact between generations. When someone asks, "Are hashtags outdated," it is important to look at it through all angles between each generation and its usage.

    When people think of, "Hashtags," the first thing many may think of are in slang. People, especially on social media platforms will use hashtags to emphasize an idea. For example, people would say things like, "#swag" to emphasize how cool they are or how cool something they did is or "#sad" to emphasize how sad someone felt. These were commonly used during the early 2010's, but this use has died down into an outdated fad. At least, for everything except social media. Nowadays, hashtags are used in the same ways as they once were, however with social media, whenever the poster uses a hashtag, it will link to posts that use the same hashtag. They still are used to emphasize a point, but now they have the role of summarization and links. So while it may be unused in speech, it is still very relevant today in social media.

A meme about hashtags being used to censor words. (https://imgflip.com/i/4lfqlb)

    There are also other uses for hashtags, most of which are timeless. Numbers use hashtags very often to list off numbers. Some people also use periods, but it is much more common to see hashtags on numbers. Hashtags are also very common in coding. I personally have used hashtags in Linux code, since all characters serve different functions in code. Finally, hashtags are commonly used in the censoring of words in social media and video games (Warning: Video has some swearing).

    So to answer the question: no, hashtags are not outdated. Some uses of hashtags are outdated like in written or spoken speech, but to say that hashtags are entirely outdated is an inaccurate statement. #HashtagsLiveOn


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