Entry #8: Bring Back the Brothers!

    It's safe to say that everyone knows who Mario is, he's everywhere! He has all types of games like 2D platformers, 3D platformers, racing games, party games, and even Tetris like games. Though one of the most underrated types of Mario games is easily the rpg games. These games, from all the experience I have playing them, are amazing games. They're fun, funny, challenging, sometimes dark, and overall a great experience. There are 3 types: Mario rps, Mario and Luigi rpgs, and Paper Mario rpgs. Out of these three, my favorite is the Mario and Luigi series. Growing up, I had Mario and Luigi: Dream Team on the 3DS, and it was easily the best time of my life growing up. The music, the art style, the humor, it was all fantastic. However, there hasn't been a new Mario and Luigi game since 2019, and with the bankruptcy of AlphaDream, the developers of the Mario and Luigi series, things are looking bleak for Mario and Luigi fans. Is there any hope?

Scene from the Mario Movie in the Mario and Luigi art style: (https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2532877-the-super-mario-bros-movie-2023-film)

    Of course there's hope! Unlike Super Mario RPG, Nintendo owns the rights to all the characters in the Mario and Luigi series, so any legal issues won't arise, and even if they did, they have been known to go through many lengths to get the characters they want for their games. Recently, they got the rights to use Geno in the Super Mario RPG remake, and prior to this, they got the rights from Disney to use Sora. Yes, you read that right, Disney. If they ever wanted to bring Geno into these games or any other character, they could and likely would, but they don't even need to go through with that to make a new Mario and Luigi game. The fans are also waiting for a new game, and hype has not died down from the series. This is evident by an infamous and recent meme about a hypothetical battle between Mario and Luigi against Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7 (Warning: Strong Language is used). 

    There are two outcomes I can see for a new Mario and Luigi game: A collection of remakes of all the Mario and Luigi games, similar to the Super Mario RPG remake, or a completely new title, both of which would be on the Nintendo Switch. A remake collection of the 5 original games would be great. It would give them a chance for everyone to have access to these games, and would finally give them a chance to remake Partners in Time, which desperately needed a remake. A whole new game could have so much originality and magic to it, as well as paying homage to AlphaDream and all that they've given us. 

    With the recent Super Mario RPG remake and the recent announcement of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, I think it's only fair that the Mario and Luigi series gets its time back in the spotlight. Things are looking especially well with the recent survey about Mario RPG games that they handed out. Fingers crossed we see the brothers back in action!


  1. Such a nostalgia trip talking Mario and Luigi and there many RPG style games. I remember owning Mario and Luigi: Bowser inside story. Its also cool that they are making a bunch of remakes of there old games. To me personally I rather keep it as nostalgia, I understand many want to relive there youth but let the new generations have there turn. We already had ours.

  2. I remember playing Mario Brothers on Nintendo and Super Nintendo when I was a child. I used to play it with my brother when we went to Texas to see our father. He would show me different things in the game I did not know existed. I enjoyed reading your blog it to me back to my childhood,.


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