Blogger Target Practice

    It should come as no surprise that there are a lot of bloggers in the blogging industry. As such, quality is never consistent. Some blogs may be unprofessional, some may be professional, and some might even be in between those two classifications. Each and every blog will also be organized differently, and today, I will be evaluating two blogs to show what I mean.

    To start things things off, we have our first blog from TMZ, known for having a T.V. show all about blogs and commentary. In this article, they go over a breathtaking event of a woman clinging onto a speeding car for the sake of her dog. The organization that they use for this article's sentences are a double edged sword. On one hand, it makes longer sentences easier to read as they are not bundled together. On the other hand, when they use this technique on a short sentence, it starts to look very out of place. It is told in a professional manner as adding humor to this situation, a situation that still remains unresolved, would have been disrespectful to the woman who had her dog kidnapped. Given that they use this news like approach, it is undoubtedly told for the purpose of providing news.

    Next we have another blog from the people at LoudWire. They specialize in rock and metal music, providing interviews and lists. In one of their list about the 10 Ten Guns N' Roses songs, they give their opinions on the best of the best from Guns N' Roses. I like this blog mostly because it is about Guns N' Roses, my favorite band, and their number one pick is completely right. Biases aside, it is really nice as their speech is much more human and relatable, making it easier to read than straight news. They also talk about what makes a specific song good and even provide dates and the specific album it comes from. My biggest issue is that the pictures accompanying the entries are no longer available, and have not been updated. It is organized in an entry based list that makes it easy to find a specific entry and makes its contents easier to read. Since this is a personal list, this is definitely opinionated, and by its use of casual speech, it is not considered, nor supposed to be a professional blog.

    The duality of blogs, one being about news and the other a simple top ten. Neither is superior, as they are too different to compare. However, you can quite clearly see the differences in each blogging style, and the advantages and disadvantages that may come with their methods of organization. 


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